Friday, November 24, 2023

The storm and I

                                                        I stood in the Storm 

I stood in the storm as it hurried by,

Wondering why, O why it passed me by.

I stood in place, but I ran after it.

Catching up with it, I asked it why,

Why, O why it passed me by.

"I've devastated you again and again.

“But I'll visit you again before your end,”

As it whirled on past me around the bend.


                                       I hoped the onlookers would apprehend. 

I stood on my ground and began to pray

For those who didn’t know a storm was on its way.

I prayed for those who slept during the day,

And didn’t know that a storm was coming their way.

I stood in my place - in shoes full of Grace;

I stood there praying for the tears on their faces,

With sheer bewilderment that often effaces


And disturbs those unprepared for a strenuous race.

It is impossible to outrun a tumultuous storm,

Even if you can see the very beginning of its form.

If it's for you to suffer it, then suffer it, you must.

Some have a dread: "Something bad is going to happen.”

For the wise, premonitions are considered a buffer.

The wise don't get caught in unprofitable storms

Without the full armor that it takes to victoriously suffer


Whatever it takes to move from one place to another,

To come out into a new sun that heals, not harms.

I stood in the storm as it hurried by,

Wondering why, O why it passed me by.

I stood in place, but I ran after it.

Catching up with it, I asked it why,

Why, O why it passed me by.

~Mary Moore, 2014

Monday, August 28, 2023


 I love to watch Lightning. Twenty-eight years ago, I got up close and personal with lightning or it with me. The only water I had in those years was rainwater. I prayed for rain and had to act when it came. One time I was hastily carrying buckets of water from the containers at the well to my front porch containers. That was like a whirlwind or something with the winds so high. I made a choice. I desperately needed water for drinking and house toilets. On one trek to the porch from the well, I SAW white lightning with streaks of color in it as it hit the ground almost on my foot. It sounded like thunder to me - being a lightning bolt it was. I shook as I walked because the ground shook but I never stopped.

That lightning was so beautiful and crisp in sound that I felt happy being so close to the landing. It stormed all night. When I got my water bins filled, I thanked God as I took two buckets into the house for the night. That beautiful lightning hit the ground so hard I could have been overcome with fright or fallen down and become useless. Even to this day when I think about those terrible and lonely times, I marvel at what I saw. It wasn't my time or I wouldn't have been able to gather my most needed water that night. It wasn't my time at all. You contributed to bringing up memories that make me give thanks to God today for things I know and for that hallowed protection. I will share this.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

It Must be Karma

"Before God can select you, the world must reject you. You can do it willingly, or God will help you accept the process of Election." ~ Roy E Stewart, Pastor, Green Meadow Missionary Baptist Church, 1980

5 “If you have run with the footmen, and they have wearied you, Then how can you contend with horses? And if in the land of peace, In which you trusted, they wearied you, Then how will you do in the floodplain [ swelling, KJV] of the Jordan? 6 For even your brothers, the house of your father, Even they have dealt treacherously with you; Yes, they have called a multitude after you. Do not believe them, Even though they speak smooth words to you” (Jeremiah 12:5-6).

Death is Coming

God sent us warnings in dreams and visions

But we ignored them for pipe dreams.

It came to us in the still small voice of the silence,

But we didn’t hear it, we were too busy with nothing.

They called us on the phone of the Spirit. 

Lazy-mindedness neglected to pick it up.

So, we missed it.

She haunted us through the voices of our Ancestors –

Voices we didn’t even know, so we didn’t believe them….

The seed planted was about to bear fruit. Chop it down.

Chop it down. Chop it down and kill the root.

That which it will bear is the evilest fruit. 

The fruit it is bearing now is dressed in the vilest suit.

The children will eat it and cry out for its addictiveness.

They’ll grow up learning to live and die for the love of it.

The adults will lust after it as they do their bodies. 

The onlookers will be envious, or they’ll flee from it.

There’s a foreboding, smothering fearfulness being near it. 

Friday, May 12, 2023



When I really think about “life is short and full of trouble,”

I will always dwell on all the good things available.

Gifts from the Universe, shared from its vastness.

I will not care about what does not care about me.

All existence is divine energy. All life is energy.

The wise, then, will seek the most profitable

Labor on which to expend their energy, their

Life Force while life so easily glides along

By the will of its own counsel,

The counsel of its own will.

~Mary H. Moore©

(Job 14:1 ERV)

Sunday, April 23, 2023


The weeds, never self-rooted, not restrained by

Wills of their own, but by the wills of Other. 

Many tumbleweeds stroll by, being propelled

By the winds of time; some good, some ill.

The triumphs and traumas embedded in them

Serve as scenes from afar that one witness as

A judge, like a movie to be viewed and reviewed,

As an unction to be acted upon or discarded to let die.

What mean they, what they meant, should mean,

Should have meant. Images as the past teleported into the

Present, portending a future whose roots are in

The distant and not-so-distant past, yet eons past,

Ages past, eons more, ages more, lives past. Yesterday,

Yesteryear. The past, grandfathers of the present.

The present, grandmothers of the future.

What will the future be – let the 

Tumbling weeds be the silent instructors.

Our future is the witness to the past.

The pasts, witnesses to the present.

The future has no will of its own – it is the

Outcome of the wills of the past and the

Present. Whatever the future will be must

Be established in the present where the past

Is being worked out, which present in

The future is the past. And in all of these, the 

Maker of all things is there also. Tumbleweeds.

 (Thinking on and watching images in the mind, what they mean, what they don’t.)

~Mary H Moore©

Saturday, February 18, 2023

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives.

 Buffalo Massacre

Unless Payton Gendron goes out of his mind he will have the memory of these 13 souls whose bodies he eliminated from the earth.

Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every face. Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every feature. Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every synopsis of each person the judge described in the ears of all. He will remember - unless he goes out of his mind.

Payton Gendron methodically, meticulously researched, plotted, planned, stalked the premises, and prepared himself in every way that led to that evil decision to carry out what he did on that fateful day - to innocent members of a community that had no suspicion of what would happen to them before the day was over.

"There is no place for you or your ignorant, hateful, and evil ideologies in our civilized society," the judge said.

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives

While the judge says "no mercy for you, no understanding, no second chances" for him in threes - no mercy, no understanding, no second chances - he meets what he set up - in threes.

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives

For 10 and 10. For 25 and 5. For 13 Lives,

"You will never see the light of day as a free man again," the judge said.


CB, 55; ZG, 20; JW, 50


RD, 32; HP, 67; PY, 77; RW, 86; CC, 65; AS, 55; AM, 53; MM, 52; KM, 72; GT, 62

As you sow with intent so shall you also reap with intensity. The wages of sin is death in some form or other - no "light of day as a free man again". You sowed the wind and now you will reap the whirlwind. [Galations 6:7; Romans 6:23; Hosea 8:7).


May you find mercy, understanding, and a New Day in the Light of God the All-Divine and All-Merciful. Amen.

Mary Moore(C)

Friday, January 20, 2023

Two Lines, Two Times(P90/4,12)

Sometimes life’s timing and circumstances draw deep lines in the sand – indelible for a season  – when even love’s winds maybe can’t cover the furrows in one lifetime. For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Sometimes lines drawn in the moving sands see closure – where an individual or corporate action binds up breaches by mutual consent. Deeply dug furrows long lain fallow are tilled, cultivated with willingness. So teach us to number our days [aright], that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Healed. Peace and all the virtues had time to replace them.

~Mary Moore©