The Celestial Watching Me
I looked down at a teardrop on my hand,
Then I look up to see a Celestial One
Watching me. As I watched him watching me,
I sighed. He didn’t trouble me. I didn’t try to
Hide the teardrops as they bathed my face;
I didn’t try to cover them up; I didn’t try to erase
The grief; I didn’t try to deny the pain;
I reached out to touch the rejection I felt.
Remaining calm in the stillness,
He consoled me with the hardship dealt me.
Watching him watching me, he reached out.
He touched my eyes. He touched my grief.
Suddenly, before me, my life as a bird in
The air flying freely in its being, in its element,
In space. Across space, free, singing
Perfectly in its space. I could see it then -
He showed me I’m that bird.
I’m running in space with another Traveler.
Then, I met my friends who lived in town …
~Mary H Moore© (1998-1999)
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