Wednesday, July 4, 2018



From my conversation with a teacher and his insightful comment about bottled-up energy.

I understand "bottled-up energy" to be the same as restlessness, boredom. These psychological disturbances are the same in old and young, rich and poor. The outlet valve for these feelings if anyone would receive it and test it out, is altruism. But people, when they are focused on self and cannot see Self within, waiting for an agreement with the personality (self) that the soul needs to be active through the service of the personality in good works towards others. That is our "whole duty of man" such that at the end of the day, we are satisfied within that we "go about doing good" because it is in us to do that good. If we don't, we miss the bull's eye and don't connect doing good to others all the time with our purpose for being here.

In the Christian faith that is not fully understood by some because in reality fundamental Christians are discouraged from doing good works if they cannot prove that they do it from a "changed" heart as if the doer can present a piece of paper to the teacher or preacher showing that their hearts have been changed. When we practice altruism (Book of James) - works toward God, it is to God that the service is rendered and it is to us that God renders the reward. The good we do outwardly toward God (Humanity) is rendered back to us as spiritual peace (spiritual satisfaction, time in the secret closet) at day's end. As we lie upon our bed the Spirit of all Good daily takes us back over our life for that day; as we reflect upon the deeds, thoughts, and attitudes that ruled our day. We will get confirmation of either well done or work to be done. It is being in agreement (cahoots) with the Light that gives us peace.

When we have that peace, we seek light and help with those feelings of discontentment, bottled energy, restlessness, boredom that we become aware of. We are rewarded with Devine revelation of what we need to do in any particular thing, and for our acceptance of our part in it. Revelation from the Knower within us is our "sleeping pill" for the night's rest with the eager anticipation that we will be better persons tomorrow to better serve Humanity: those struggling for no fault and for fault, awake (the lighted way) and asleep (in materialism), which, according to the Master Jesus Christ, is our duty to do.

Mary Handy Moore

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