You know (I said to myself), all that is well and good,
but this song has been going on for many years. It is like a canker
worm, it eats at the fabric of a nation's soul if people let their favorites
continue to corrode and corrode: drones, NSA and the other assassinations
(of character and body), kill lists and on and on.
They have been in the works for years. It is now brought to bear on this president, who carries on in light of all that has gone on before this in other administrations, even before and including RR, who assassinated people on the pretext of protecting Americans from some unarmed army, was applauded, but not by all of us. I watched little children falling under the weight of big people fleeing for their lives as America's WMDs scorched the place with gunfire of many types. That day as I watched this episode unfold on television while I stood there eating on my lunch break, a little boy, about seven years old, fell down right before my eyes while others overran him. He reached out his little hand for somebody's help.
They have been in the works for years. It is now brought to bear on this president, who carries on in light of all that has gone on before this in other administrations, even before and including RR, who assassinated people on the pretext of protecting Americans from some unarmed army, was applauded, but not by all of us. I watched little children falling under the weight of big people fleeing for their lives as America's WMDs scorched the place with gunfire of many types. That day as I watched this episode unfold on television while I stood there eating on my lunch break, a little boy, about seven years old, fell down right before my eyes while others overran him. He reached out his little hand for somebody's help.
I could have sworn that that little child looked straight at me. Those eyes and that little hand have haunted me and caused me to pray about it to this day. Whatever respect I had for Ronald Reagan up to that point went out of my soul like the bird left the Ark never to return. When the time came for another massacre involving killing kids and women (Libya), his name was moot already in my heart. To this day, that name makes me want to cry. (I watched every minute of his beautiful funeral, and I am glad that the man's name was not his soul; thus his moved-on soul was not mooted especially by a mortal like me. I always wondered if, before he lost his memory faculty, he ever lamented or repented about at least one of those things. I wondered.)
Back to the present: It is past time that
the tragedy of September 11, 2001, ceases to be used as a scapegoat for
warmongering and kill lists in any form. They only create more weapons of
warfare - against us. Hate can wait patiently while it plots; it is
patient but it is not kind. While one is plotting against another,
someone else might be plotting too. Plans can backfire. People have been assassinated to be replaced by those America favored or does favor for generations possibly. That twisted practice by supposedly honorable humans has made worse enemies than we can imagine because it bruises the conscience to think deeply about these things; it also makes the guilty fearful and more fearful. (
POWER has been trampling on the Constitution ever since it has been one if that
is the case (that this is the sole activity of the present President of the United States). The people let it happen because it stroked some egos, and
frightened others in to submission. Shame on us.
Hello, please forgive me because I did not know I had a comment. I was browsing and found your response. I cannot thank you enough for your kind words and I hope you got something you will pass on to uplift and encourage people you touch. Again, excuse the long needed response to you. Mary HM