Monday, June 4, 2012

You know (I said to myself), all that is well and good, but this song has been going on for many years.  It is like a canker worm, it eats at the fabric of a nation's soul if people let their favorites continue to corrode and corrode:  drones, NSA and the other assassinations (of character and body), kill lists and on and on.

They have been in the works for years.  It is now brought to bear on this president, who carries on in light of all that has gone on before this in other administrations, even before and including RR, who assassinated people on the pretext of protecting Americans from some unarmed army, was applauded,  but not by all of us.   I watched little children falling under the weight of big people fleeing for their lives as America's WMDs scorched the place with gunfire of many types.  That day as I watched this episode unfold on television while I stood there eating on my lunch break, a little boy, about seven years old, fell down right before my eyes while others overran him.  He reached out his little hand for somebody's help.  

I could have sworn that that little child looked straight at me.  Those eyes and that little hand have haunted me and caused me to pray about it to this day.  Whatever respect I had for Ronald Reagan up to that point went out of my soul like the bird left the Ark never to return.  When the time came for another massacre involving killing kids and women (Libya), his name was moot already in my heart.  To this day, that name makes me want to cry. (I watched every minute of his beautiful funeral, and I am glad that the man's name was not his soul; thus his moved-on soul was not mooted especially by a mortal like me.  I always wondered if, before he lost his memory faculty, he ever lamented or repented about at least one of those things.  I wondered.)

Back to the present:  It is past time that the tragedy of September 11, 2001, ceases to be used as a scapegoat for warmongering and kill lists in any form.  They only create more weapons of warfare - against us.  Hate can wait patiently while it plots; it is patient but it is not kind.  While one is plotting against another, someone else might be plotting too.  Plans can backfire.  People have been assassinated to be replaced by those America favored or does favor for generations possibly.  That twisted practice by supposedly honorable humans has made worse enemies than we can imagine because it bruises the conscience to think deeply about these things; it also makes the guilty fearful and more fearful.   (

POWER has been trampling on the Constitution ever since it has been one if that is the case (that this is the sole activity of the present President of the United States).  The people let it happen because it stroked some egos, and frightened others in to submission.  Shame on us. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Hungry children

I am walking through the kitchen not feeling like fixing peanut butter and crackers, but by now I am the shaky kind of hungry.  As I stand here weakly I see terribly hungry little children in my mind's eye.  I pray for them.  I pray for them.  Every day.  They are everywhere.  I pray for them.

Monday, March 26, 2012

It seems to me there needs to be a change in the right direction

It seems to me the more fine churches people build (there are those that are closing too), the more people are more separatist, antagonistic, pessimistic, suspicious of difference, and fearful of everything and everybody.  You hate what you fear and you fear what you hate.  If more people would identify those fearful things they might make peace with them if they are genuine, because most of them will be "Man in the Mirror" encounters (  When I read all the many things that come out of peoples' heads, no wonder there is so much trouble and division everywhere.  It seems that many, many people prefer a house divided and do and say everything they can to keep it that way.  At least people need to be honest with themselves in that deep place that nobody beside them sees but Deity. 

It is very sad and telling if am so filled with hate and divisiveness that I would want my own country to fail while claiming it is the other guy's fault.  As I said, it is very sad and very telling.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A gem from Camus


"Each generation doubtless feels called upon to reform the world.  Mine knows that it will not reform it, but its task is perhaps even greater.  It consists in preventing the world from destroying itself.  … In a world threatened by disintegration, in which our grand inquisitors run the risk of establishing forever the kingdom of death, it knows that it should, in an insane race against the clock, restore among the nations a peace that is not servitude, reconcile anew labour and culture, and remake with all men the Ark of the Covenant."  - Albert Camus, December 1957

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Tribute to Star Whitney

A shooting star came for a moment to this Earth plane.
The die was cast: 48 years she was destined to remain.
In all her ways and in her voyage here, she was no plain Jane
Parts of her compartmentalized life was not at all sane.
She was strong to come back to her right mind again,

From somewhere in the night when she got into a fight
with a strong enemy who slithered in to steal her light.
Darkness bound her deeper over time and overcame her might
The anchor asked her in a television interview one night,

What she wanted. Whitney Houston asked for prayer.
It sank deeply into my heart, with hers.  I was right there.
From that night unto now I take Whitney everywhere.
That urge to prayer for her is deep-rooted, like my hair.

As was Samuel's request on his stone that the world
not judge harshly while assuming they knew not what, Whitney's
Angel would ask the same on her behalf.  (  
No troubles befell either of them that is not common to humankind:
Touch the released Spirits with kindness that have bowed out
prior to us.  They are the experienced cloud of witnesses that
have gone on to become our help in times of need.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Grace is so much more

God's Grace is so much higher and deeper, wider and longer, than anything we know.  But we should strive for it, for it is oh so strait a Gate. It is true that God giveth more grace - he giveth it to those who WILL, that is, those who do the work of Grace.  Those are the ones God gives more grace to. Thus Grace truly is a course worth learning by doing it if we know what it is, and seeking it out if we don't really know what Grace is.  Yes, God is so much more.

Monday, January 2, 2012

No, We Are Not in Eden Anymore

No, we are not in Eden anymore.
We left Eden sometime after childhood.
We inhabit our home-made little universes
That time and circumstances closed to some.
Even though we may become nostalgic for the old,
The present is far too entrenched.  The dual serpent of the
past ever works, coiled in the dungeon.  It binds in the deep
Like a vice-grip for those who would escape but cannot.
We are not in Eden anymore, maybe nevermore in the earth plane.
Yet Wisdom the Diligent ever seeks to “pick up the fragments that
Remain, that nothing be lost.” Not all mutual existences want to
Be counted as a vicious, vain, vein of vanity.  The Salvager
Seeks to sew pieces that will, back together again, in that place
Where the dual mocker and instigator lurks not in wait to agitate.
No, we are not in Eden anymore; yet it still exists
In the mind - intact and beautiful, with the missing one.
No, we are not in Eden anymore.