Saturday, February 18, 2023

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives.

 Buffalo Massacre

Unless Payton Gendron goes out of his mind he will have the memory of these 13 souls whose bodies he eliminated from the earth.

Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every face. Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every feature. Unless he goes out of his mind he will remember every synopsis of each person the judge described in the ears of all. He will remember - unless he goes out of his mind.

Payton Gendron methodically, meticulously researched, plotted, planned, stalked the premises, and prepared himself in every way that led to that evil decision to carry out what he did on that fateful day - to innocent members of a community that had no suspicion of what would happen to them before the day was over.

"There is no place for you or your ignorant, hateful, and evil ideologies in our civilized society," the judge said.

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives

While the judge says "no mercy for you, no understanding, no second chances" for him in threes - no mercy, no understanding, no second chances - he meets what he set up - in threes.

10 and 10. 25 and 5. 13 Lives

For 10 and 10. For 25 and 5. For 13 Lives,

"You will never see the light of day as a free man again," the judge said.


CB, 55; ZG, 20; JW, 50


RD, 32; HP, 67; PY, 77; RW, 86; CC, 65; AS, 55; AM, 53; MM, 52; KM, 72; GT, 62

As you sow with intent so shall you also reap with intensity. The wages of sin is death in some form or other - no "light of day as a free man again". You sowed the wind and now you will reap the whirlwind. [Galations 6:7; Romans 6:23; Hosea 8:7).


May you find mercy, understanding, and a New Day in the Light of God the All-Divine and All-Merciful. Amen.

Mary Moore(C)