Thursday, October 30, 2014

Suffer the little children

Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: For such is the kingdom of heaven (Matt 19:14 KJV). For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt 16:26 KJV).

"Yes," I thought in my dream, "that young girl
Will someday be a Fay - least esteemed
Notwithstanding." I heard them approaching,
Loving little children coming around the bend.
I heard them gaily looking for the good. One of
Them, I heard her say, “I have my tooth that I
Pulled the other day, and I’m waiting for the tooth
Fairy!” Time passed and no fairy came to her at
This location either. Then in my Spirit-dream, I heard,
"I have lost my tooth since I got here." They looked
For it in the car and in other places, as I watched
Them in my Spirit dream. “I brought it with me
Because I am looking for the tooth fairy. Now,
I don’t have it!" As time went on, no fairies came
Among them, with or without the extracted tooth.
The beautiful little girl became despondent as little
Ones do when they feel ignored and unimportant.
She had lost her extracted little tooth that she
Brought with her but nobody cared. I watched and
Listened to them in my Spirit-dream while they were
Discussing the issue in a bathroom. I could see so
Clearly the sadness and pain in the little girl's eyes.
She had lost her tooth and no fairy came yet.
There is no tooth, so will a fairy still come? I think
Since they had no guidance and no wise one to
Intervene and console her and therefore all of them,
I heard resignation in her beautiful little child's voice
When she said while watching the water flow:
"Somebody said the tooth fairy is supposed to be
The parents." I was shocked at the blatant denial of this
Child’s childish heart wish. In my Spirit-dream, I heard
Myself say, "And the grandparents can be tooth fairies."
Hummm, the parents and grandparents let her down
And shattered her childish dreams. To her, the evidence
Of that was the lost tooth. They even shared the
Truth of there being no real Santa Clause, and
Dumped the tooth fairy in the bag with him. I kept on
Thinking that some of the most unselfish blessings
Come from Strangers even though we are discouraged
From talking to strangers.  However, I also remembered,
In my Spirit-dream, that we are also told to be
Careful how we entertain strangers because we could be
In the face of angels and not know it (a stranger can be an
Animal or a human being. Once, God showed up –
And spoke - in the form of a donkey to get a message across).
Why can God not lighten a little girl's heart by proving to
Her that fairies still exist in this world of trouble as well
As happiness? It just depends on how one chooses to
Conceive them to be or look like. Considering all this
In my Spirit-dream, I exclaimed to those little philosophizers,
"I am a tooth fairy!" Then I said, "I am a Fay!"
The little girls smiled at me but did not ask me what
I meant. They left off the conversation and went out to play.
I thought on this while in my Spirit-dream: why did
I hear this and especially look into the sad little beautiful
Faces of the girls who were lamenting for the disconsolate
One who will one day be a Fay I believe, being so
Little-esteemed (probably sadly unawares) by those
Most precious in her early-little-childhood-life? In my
Spirit-dream, the Fay had the power to make someone
Happy, and the Fay took that opportunity. When the Fay
Announced that the tooth fairy had left something on
The bureau top, the little girl made a bee-line toward it
To see if there was a fairy after all. In my Spirit-dream
I saw and heard all these things. The most precious
Sight was when the little child responded as the child
She was, happy and grateful, with a lovely big smile
And a hearty "Thank you!" In my Spirit-dream I
Remembered to be grateful for being alive for that
Moment on the Wheel, when I was the destined Fay, chosen
Among others either not willing or not able to "Suffer
The little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me.
For such is the kingdom of heaven."  Then, either I
Woke up or I was wide awake all the while. Amen and OM

MaryHandy Moore

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