Saturday, February 11, 2012

A Tribute to Star Whitney

A shooting star came for a moment to this Earth plane.
The die was cast: 48 years she was destined to remain.
In all her ways and in her voyage here, she was no plain Jane
Parts of her compartmentalized life was not at all sane.
She was strong to come back to her right mind again,

From somewhere in the night when she got into a fight
with a strong enemy who slithered in to steal her light.
Darkness bound her deeper over time and overcame her might
The anchor asked her in a television interview one night,

What she wanted. Whitney Houston asked for prayer.
It sank deeply into my heart, with hers.  I was right there.
From that night unto now I take Whitney everywhere.
That urge to prayer for her is deep-rooted, like my hair.

As was Samuel's request on his stone that the world
not judge harshly while assuming they knew not what, Whitney's
Angel would ask the same on her behalf.  (  
No troubles befell either of them that is not common to humankind:
Touch the released Spirits with kindness that have bowed out
prior to us.  They are the experienced cloud of witnesses that
have gone on to become our help in times of need.

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